Is Your "Woke Bae" Not as Woke as You Thought?

So you've met someone new and things seem to be going well, but are there warning signs that your date might not be as woke as you are? It's important to pay attention to certain behaviors and conversations that could indicate a lack of awareness and understanding. Be sure to keep an eye out for these potential red flags. For a comprehensive review on navigating the world of dating and relationships, check out this helpful guide to help you make informed decisions.

In the world of dating and relationships, it's important to find someone who shares your values and beliefs. For many people, finding a partner who is "woke" - meaning socially aware and progressive - is a top priority. However, sometimes the guy you're dating may not be as woke as he thinks he is. Here are 15 signs that the guy you're dating isn't the woke bae he thinks he is.

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1. Lack of Intersectional Awareness

One of the key aspects of being woke is understanding the intersectionality of social issues. If the guy you're dating only focuses on one aspect of social justice and ignores the interconnectedness of different issues, it may be a red flag.

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2. Problematic Language

Pay attention to the language your partner uses. If he uses derogatory terms or makes insensitive jokes, it's a sign that he may not be as socially aware as he claims to be.

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3. Lack of Empathy

Being woke involves having empathy for marginalized groups and understanding their struggles. If your partner lacks empathy for others, it's a clear sign that he may not be as woke as he claims.

4. Inaction

Talk is cheap. If your partner talks a big game about social justice but doesn't take any real action to support the causes he claims to care about, it's a sign that his wokeness may be performative.

5. Defensiveness

A truly woke person is open to learning and growing. If your partner gets defensive when called out on problematic behavior, it's a sign that he may not be as open-minded as he claims to be.

6. Lack of Diversity in Social Circle

Pay attention to the people your partner surrounds himself with. If his social circle lacks diversity, it may be a sign that he's not as committed to inclusivity as he claims.

7. Tokenism

If your partner only engages with social justice issues to boost his own image or gain social capital, it's a clear sign that his wokeness is not genuine.

8. Ignoring Your Experiences

If your partner dismisses or minimizes your experiences as a marginalized person, it's a clear sign that he doesn't fully respect your perspective.

9. Mansplaining

If your partner constantly feels the need to explain things to you, especially when it comes to issues that directly affect you, it's a sign that he may not truly value your knowledge and experiences.

10. Lack of Accountability

A truly woke person takes responsibility for their actions and is willing to be held accountable. If your partner shirks responsibility and blames others for his mistakes, it's a sign that his wokeness may be insincere.

11. Ignorance of Privilege

Being woke involves recognizing and understanding one's privilege. If your partner fails to acknowledge his privilege and how it affects his worldview, it's a sign that his wokeness may be superficial.

12. Centering Himself in Conversations

If your partner constantly makes conversations about social justice all about himself and his experiences, it's a sign that he may lack the ability to truly listen and empathize with others.

13. Resistance to Learning

A truly woke person is always open to learning and unlearning. If your partner is resistant to new ideas and perspectives, it's a sign that he may not be as open-minded as he claims.

14. Lack of Support for Your Activism

If your partner fails to support your activism and instead tries to undermine or dismiss it, it's a clear sign that his wokeness is performative.

15. Gaslighting

If your partner tries to manipulate or invalidate your feelings and experiences, it's a clear sign that he may not truly respect you as an equal partner.


In a world where being woke is highly valued, it's important to recognize the signs that someone's wokeness may not be as genuine as they claim. Pay attention to how your partner behaves and treats others, and don't be afraid to hold him accountable for his actions. Being in a relationship with someone who truly shares your values and beliefs is important, so don't settle for a "woke bae" who doesn't live up to the title.